Introducing Genie, your AI Assistant, here to make your life easier! Genie is trained to skim through thousands of documents in minutes. She can help you prepare lessons, or create an entire curriculum...Just ask!
Easy Peasy AI
Why choose one AI tool (like ChatGPT) when you can have them all? It's so easy that even your children can work with Marky to create stunning images, build websites, or learn code. Marky is the ultimate chat companion!
Generate any course in just 5 minutes! Once, creating a course used to take months. Everlearns will save you time, effort, and energy by creating a course on any topic or material. Most importantly, it's safe and effective!
Obsidian Delta
Are you new to Artificial Intelligence? Curious about how it can help you in your homeschool? Obsidian Delta is here to help transform your educational experience. As an AI tutor, they will show you the ropes as well as provide the "guard rails" for the most secure use!